So today I am thinking about sex appeal.
The definition that you will find online is:
1. the ability to excite people sexually.
2. immediate appeal or obvious potential to interest or excite others, as by appearance, style, or charm: a house with no sex appeal.
Sex appeal comes in all shapes and sizes. What appeals to one person may not appeal to others.
Case in point --- the average "blond bomb shell" just doesn't do it for me nor has it ever.
Quite honestly, stereotypical beauty is not sexy to me at all.
Sexy to me means:
Someone that isn't afraid to be themselves.
Someone that takes control of (certain) situations.
Someone that can melt me with the look in their eyes.
Someone that accepts me for how I am and strokes my ego (no pun intended).
Someone that can work a pair of jeans as well as a sexy dress.
Someone that can look as hot first thing in the morning as they do all dressed up.
Someone that laughs easily at themselves.
Someone that compliments easily.
Someone that is straight forward.
Someone that is in touch with their feminine side as well as their masculine side (but way more on the feminine side).
Someone that can sit and talk for hours.
Someone that can act like a goof and still make you weak in the knees.
Someone that shows their emotions easily.
Someone that knows the fine art of flirting.
Someone that makes you feel like the most beautiful woman (or handsome man) in the world.
Someone that is adventurous sexually.
Someone that makes your heart melt by looking at you from across the room.
Someone that is comfortable (enough) with their body.
Someone who isn't afraid to eat and enjoy food!
Someone who learns you and knows you better than anyone else.
Someone who is more of an aggressor.
Someone who never loses their ability to have fun.
Someone who makes you feel like they never want to lose you.
Someone who makes you feel like you are "theirs" and they are "yours".
Someone not afraid to take care of themselves physically and emotionally.
Someone who is good with children.
Someone who is trustworthy.
Someone who always has your best interest at heart.
Someone who smells good.
Someone who isn't afraid to cry.
Someone who isn't afraid to stand up for their beliefs.
Someone that knows how to live life.
Someone that values life experiences.
Yes, sex appeal comes in many forms.
The list above is what is sexy TO ME.
If my emotions aren't stimulated - nothing is stimulated.
Higgins Hotel + Conference Center New Orleans
3 weeks ago
The funny thing about sex appeal is that you can make someone else feel sexy regardless of how one may feel about herself. I told you awhile back, before we met when we were writing each other, that I thought of myself as a “plain Jane” type and just considered myself average. I wouldn’t want to be the blond bomb shell type or the stereotypical beauty (nor would I ever find that attractive either).
You make me feel sexy. I am comfortable with my image and my body. Of course, there are always things I wish were different, but I am comfortable with myself. Sure, I wish I had better muscle tone –NOT a body builder at all or even close – but, just more in shape. That is something I can change. I wish more of my Portuguese self came through instead of the Irish/Polish so that I wasn’t so white. LOL! But, I am not the tanning booth type and it is not healthy for me to bake in the sun. And, sure, I wish my breasts were just a little bit bigger, but that is okay, too. ;) I am comfortable with how I look and can be completely comfortable no matter what I am wearing (or not wearing) when I am around you because you make me feel sexy in every way.
Sexy and sex appeal --- physical features as well as the non-physical.
Sexy physical features to me:
Intense eyes that tell me exactly what you are feeling. Even when you have to turn away the feeling is still communicated. I see the intensity and all kinds of feelings and emotions and sensations are evoked because of that look that is given to me.
A sweet smile that shows off your kindness and gentle heart. A smile that is genuine and shows how much you value and appreciate life and living life.
Womanly curves, hips, and cleavage – you do not have to dress womanly or feminine to have sex appeal with these features. These are features that can be shown off and felt in a number of ways that do not require an outwardly feminine look.
The androgynous and tomboy look is hot. Very hot.
Sexy non-physical features to me:
Someone who is always herself. She doesn’t have to act or behave differently depending upon the environment or situation.
Someone who causes me to get the look in my eyes and makes my eyes speak their own language communicating exactly what I am feeling.
Someone who accepts compliments as well as gives them.
Someone who has an amazing sense of humor and gets my humor.
Someone that speaks and acts with honesty.
Someone who is emotional feminine.
Someone who doesn’t mind hearing me repeat stories and can tell me stories over and over.
Someone who loves to talk and talk and talk.
Someone who just makes me want to flirt and be more in touch with my sexual self.
Someone who doesn’t close off parts of herself and allows me to know her completely in every way.
Someone who I can never imagine my life without.
Someone who is as much my top priority as I am hers.
Someone who cares about her health and appearance.
Someone who stands up for herself.
Someone who is romantic.
Someone who is creative.
Someone who loves children and animals.
Someone who has passion and goes through life acting on that passion no matter what she is doing (love life, recreation, work, etc).
We are sexy together ~ Freedom to be ourselves, speak freely, act freely. ~ We can express our emotions, feelings, thoughts, and fantasies without any judgment or fear.
Thank you for making me feel sexy.
Sex appeal – Yeah, you go that, too! ;)
(I have to put this response in two parts because it is too long - lol)
Oh wow, yeah, I should've added something else to my sex appeal list --- being a good writer! ;)
I love that you took the time to respond to this. It was as if you were speaking to me (I could hear your voice in my mind). You are so amazing at expressing yourself, and that is EXTREMELY sexy.
I should've also added another sentence at the end of what I wrote:
"Sex Appeal to me = Jennifer Walsh"
You make ME feel sexy too, regardless of any of my insecurities. Sure, I too would like to be more tone! I also wouldn't mind being a size or two smaller (which, like you said, is something easy to change --- especially with all our, um, activity! ;) ). I wish I was taller. I wish I had SMALLER breasts (lol) and wasn't SO Portuguese (lol) but I know, even if I was to stay the way I am this very second forever, I found someone that loves and accepts me exactly as I am --- and that is sexy. We FIT so perfectly in every way. Not just our bodies, but our personalities.
I am so happy that I make you feel sexy in every way because you should! You ARE extremely sexy and beautiful!
When you are with the right person you not only feel safe, you feel comfortable expressing your desires, wants and needs. In our case, we are a precise match which is extraordinary.
I sometimes still can't believe what a "healthy" relationship I am (finally) in!!
Some of the things that pop out to me in your response as far as physical and non-physical features go are:
Womanly curves, hips and cleavage --- I love that you love my body and I think it goes without saying that I love yours! ;) A'hem.
The androgynous and tomboy look --- I find it extremely sexy how we play off each other in this sense. The whole femme tomboy/tomboy femme thing is just ----- perfect and SO hot. Your femme exterior mixed with a touch of tomboy attitude is beyond sexy.
Someone who is emotionally feminine --- I love that you find this attractive! I think we are both very emotionally feminine and I am so grateful for that.
Someone who doesn't remind me repeating stories & can tell me stories over and over --- WOW!! How amazing is it that this is on your list? I LOVE learning about your past and anything that is part of you and I love that I finally found someone that enjoys the fact that I talk a lot and sometimes repeat XO
Someone who just makes me want to flirt and be more in touch with my sexual self ---- Um, enough said! ;) ;) ;) Never enough flirting or exploring! XO
Someone I could never imagine my life without --- I have had people tell me this before, and this time I hope it is 100% true because I feel that way for you.
Someone who is as much my top priority as I am hers --- OMG!!! This alone is beyond sexy to me. There is nothing worse than feeling like you don't matter in a relationship or aren't as important as other people/situations. I promise - PROMISE - to ALWAYS make you my TOP priority. Nothing else is as important. Period.
Someone who is romantic --- Romance is very important and grand gestures aren't needed. It is the small little things that mean so much.
Someone who has passion and goes through life acting on that passion no matter what she is doing ---- This is SO, SO important! Life is too short to be unhappy! You have to live life doing something you are passionate about and you should NEVER, EVER GIVE UP until you reach your goal!
We ARE sexy together. We compliment each other perfectly. We GET each other. Not so bad for less than 3 months! ;) Let's keep this going......let's be "one of those happy in love couples" forever, deal? ;)
I promise not a day will go by that I don't tell AND show you how much I love you.
You make me feel so important, valued, attractive, desired and respected.
The way you TREAT ME is sexy.
But damn those eyes (and that nose, smile, hair, body).......they drive me wild and make me weak in the knees.
"Sex Appeal to me = Jennifer Walsh"
I love you so much.
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