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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So THIS is what my mom has been talking about.

You finally reach an age where you "don't give a crap" what people think anymore AND you start doing things you never thought you would....


Contacting "haunted" inns throughout New England to "host" my agency (me) for a night in exchange for an article written up on my company's blog.

Why am I doing this? I POOP MY PANTS in freaky, old, historic places like that ----

But. God. Is. It. Fun.

Something about being afraid makes me feel ALIVE.

It's kinda like that feeling you get on a roller coaster drop. G-force.

The only part I hate is BED TIME. When my partner is sleeping like an angel next to me and I need a bottle of sleeping pills to get 30 min of shut-eye.

I'm on to something here, though.

I am going to start hosting "LIVE" ghost hunts (via live web streams) from a video recorder. This will help me feel less alone/afraid once Melanie passes out from "cackle" laughter at my fear.

I am also going to record EVP's and take photos and......well....this is the intent. Will it happen? Who knows.

I may poop my pants and leave.

BUT SIGN ME UP! I don't care if I make a fool out of myself. Hopefully any "spirits" I come in contact with like a friendly, little, tomboy Italian! :)

I am frightened.

And it feels sooooooooooooooooo good.


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