Writing! Writing! Writing!
I have so much writing I want to do. Both for work and personal.
I need to catch up on reviews from this summer/fall for www.gaytravelinformation.com.
Reviews for such places as: Harbor Inn on Martha's Vineyard, Spruce Point Inn-Boothbay Harbor, Maine, Le Capitole - Quebec City, Fairmont Chateau Frontenac - Quebec City. A review on 'Winter Rendezvous Stowe, VT gay ski week'.....numerous restaurant reviews....ahhh!! All so overwhelming, but exciting.
I still can't believe the opportunities www.gaytravelinformation.com has provided me since March 2011! It just keeps getting better and better. Everything from concert, restaurants, hotels, haunted inns, special events etc., -- I am so blessed when it comes to this and so happy to have someone in my life who enjoys it as much as I do!
I can't believe I am going to be staying at The Ice Hotel in Quebec City next month! AN ICE HOTEL!!!!! Holy crap. Not only is this exciting, but the fact that we will be there during Quebec's famous Winter Carnival! Oh, and the weekend before Valentine's Day. Wow.
Everytime I feel stressed about selling travel or ads for www.gaytravelinformation.com, I have to remind myself of all these amazing perks work provides me with. The presitge Out & About Travel has gained which affords me these opportunities.
There is just so much to write about.....
Jen and I are planning a 2+ week road trip right around my birthday cross country! Her first time! How exciting is that?
I could write about how much I love going dancing lately.
I could write about how much I love playing pool.
I could write about how excited I am about our Super Bowl party and the fact that The Patriots are in it!!
I could write about all the exciting things I have up my sleeve next month! ;) (hehehehe)
I could write about the terrible food poisonig incident Jen had from Toby Keith's restaurant.
I could write about how much fun we are having watching the 'Dawnson's Creek' series DVD set that Jen bought.
I could write about the Prom Party we have planned for May.
I could write about how I re-connected with my first girlfriend from high school, Tennille, on Facebook and how wonderful that has been.
I could write about how big my niece Angel is getting and how well she talks and carries on conversations now!
I could write about all my exciting plans for Out & About Travel and Gay Travel Information.
I spend the day writing.
Whether it be to update my web site, work on my blog, email clients back, play on Facebook, Tweet, write personal blogs, reviews etc., ---
I write, write and write some more.
It's all about expression.
I am sure one day soon I will sit and write about all of the events that have been going on in my life.
Until then, I will just say that.....
I am happy and so very blessed.
Higgins Hotel + Conference Center New Orleans
3 weeks ago
Hell Yeah, that's what i'm talking about. Viva Bella Vita.
I love reading what you have to say. I love your writing. You have an amazing voice that just pulls me in and leaves me wanting more. So, just keep writing. I get so excited as soon as I see that you have a new blog post. Your writing is there to help so many people, whether you intend to or not. You write with such openness and honesty, but you also write with such relevance to real situations, issues, problems, and just real life in general. You are an amazing writer no matter what it is that you are writng, be it a personal letter to me, a review, a blog post, or whatever is coming out of your mind at the time, you have such a way with words. Always keep writing. And keep writing more. We both need to.
Well, I guess you'll be writing plenty with your new monthly column in that International Gay Travel Magazine! I can't believe you wrote this blog and days later you are asked to write a monthly column! Good for you! So happy for you and so proud!!
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