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Friday, October 31, 2008

I think I am gender queer!?

I enjoy being a .... ..... ..... .... BOY?????

Okay, to say I am a tomboy is an understatement, however, believe it or not, TODAY was the FIRST time I ever dressed in - DRAG. Male drag. All I can say is wow. I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. I feel SO comfortable and natural and confident. I wish I had the type body I could disguise some days and go out like this, but alas I do not! :( I don't ever want to get "the change" -- I don't mind my girl parts -- lol -- but boy, I do like this beard thing. Sigh.

Anyway, more pics to follow!!!

Prepping for tonight's Halloween Party!

I am being a GHOST HUNTER and Mel is going to be the ghost I am hunting, a'hem, the lady in white.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tiverton, RI Photos

Photos taken in Tiverton, Rhode Island October 26, 2008.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One wish of mine

When I grow up I want to drive this car...
1970 Dodge Charger - Black
I want my door to read:

Travel Girl / Lover / Guitarist / Photographer / Ghost Hunter / Brave Ass Girl


When I grow up, this is what I want.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thank you Minivan Mom

Tonight is one of those nights where I feel like I have SO much to write about. I want to sit and write about my partner Melanie's march today to stop Human Trafficking here in Rhode Island. I want to write about the way the wind is blowing outside and how it reminds me of the many times I have had the privilege to fall asleep, with a window or screen door open, next to the ocean. The breeze sounds like swaying palm trees, but with temps in the 40's I am reminded they are not . I want to talk about how cool of a mother I have and how lucky I am she is not only my parent but my friend. I want to talk about how lucky I am to be such close friends with my ex April. I want to write about how desperate I am to make new friends and socialize more and what a struggle this is for someone like me since I am somewhat of an introvert with an extrovert's longing. Yeah, I am feeling "deep" tonight. Emotional. So much I want to write about and yet with one simple visit to More Than a Minivan Mom's blog, I found what I am compelled to write about as it hit a chord in my heart. Minivan Mom has a bit of a "girlcrush" on another blogger. The object of her admiration makes me only like Minivan Mom more.

Here is an excerpt from Minivan's blog:

Occasionally I come across a person who so impresses me, who encapsulates qualities that I wish I possessed, who demonstrates the person that I like to think I am, even though I know in my heart that I'm not quite that smart, that cool, that talented. And when that happens? I get a bit of a girl crush.Right now? I'm crushin' on Stacey at Is there any mommy out there? She's a former lawyer turned SAHM (stay at home mom)/blogger, and she is just so smart and cool and hip and happenin' and her husband just resigned from his job so that they can go live on a tropical island for 3 months. Typing that out, I realize it seems a little crazy.Only it's not.If you're in the mood to live vicariously through someone, head over to her blog and read all about it.

Seems like Minivan Mom and I have something in common. This is the type person, type relationship I too admire. Life is short. Life should be about love and family and LIVING. What good is life it is not LIVED? As this family clearly shows on Is there any mommy out there?, family should always, always come first.

The presidential candidate who will be getting my vote is Obama. You know why? Not only because I agree with his policy, and quite frankly his demeanor more, no, what grabbed my soul is when I read he had given up campaigning during these critical last few weeks to be by his ailing grandmother's side in Hawaii. If it costs him the election he just doesn't care. Family comes first. Wow. Obama has completely changed any doubts I may have had. THAT is the type leader I want. Something as simple, yet profound, as that.

Melanie used a great quote today, which forgive me honey, I can't exactly remember, but it had something to do with THE ONLY EVIL IS GOOD PEOPLE DOING NOTHING. I so agree with this but probably in a different way my Melanie does. Mel wants to save the world and is driven to do that. I want to save my personal relationships above everything. My partner, my family, my pets and eventually (if I am blessed to have them), my kids will ALWAYS come first. To an extent, screw the world. They are my top priority. To me the only evil is good people not realizing what they have in front of them. Does this make me less a person than Melanie? Of course not. This makes me Desiree as Mel's drive makes her Melanie. One quote - two different interpretations. This isn't saying I feel Melanie would put me, our kids, pets, family and friends second. I have too much faith in her to ever believe that, I just think we look at the quote differently. I want to help save the world too, but at what cost? Some people sacrifice everything. Family, children etc., because their first love is activism. I would sacrifice everything because my first love is ----- love. I wouldn't think twice about missing a day at work if my partner needed me. I wouldn't think twice of taking that last minute vacation to help my partner distress. I wouldn't think twice of staying up all night and talking with someone who needed me, even if it meant I paid the consequences the next day. I wouldn't think twice about who gets most of my time.

There are a lot of things I am NOT good at. I am the first to admit it. But one thing I am proud to say I am darn good in is partnership. My partner, my family, friends etc., ALL COME FIRST. I give 110% of myself to the person/people I love. I will do anything for those people who love me, the way I love them. I would drop everything. Proof is in the way I live my life. Anyone who knows me will remember me as ALWAYS traveling. At this point in my life, with a partner who is unemployed, in college, and soon law school, I am unable to. I have bills to pay and a business and house to run. I cook and clean. Take care of our pets. Run errands. Work. There is no time for self indulgence. Melanie is worth it. Do I miss travel? Oh God yes. I cry sometimes I miss it so much. Does this mean I won't travel at all? Of course not, but not in the manor I am use to. Again, my partner and our little life together comes first. I am not financially rich. I am a travel agent. But as I have said in the past, I am emotionally rich. I say this because I, for the first time, am truly in LOVE and love comes first above everything.

Since being with Mel I have gone from a semi insomniac to someone who falls asleep most night by 11pm. I have gone from someone who liked to dine out 3-5 times a week to someone who dines out maybe 1-2 times a week. I have gone from a "food delivery" type girl to a cooking fool. I have always enjoyed cleaning, but it is a different cleaning I do now. It's that "I am running a house" type cleaning. I use to travel 12-15 weeks a year and now, if I am lucky 3-4 weeks out of 52. A big difference to a travelholic like myself. My point in writing all this is simple: I don't just talk the talk I walk the walk. THIS RELATIONSHIP COMES FIRST TO ME. Everyone says people don't change. That is false. I am proof. If you have a reason to change - you will.

Anyway, I am in one of my rambling moods tonight! :-D I think it is time for me to end.

Thank you Minivan Mom for proving to me I am not the only person that finds people like Stacey admirable. That made me smile big and daydream that I too will be as lucky as she is.


Friday, October 24, 2008


For anyone interested in the paranormal, like myself, you HAVE to check out one of my favorite blog's - SPOOKED. You will feel just that, trust me. Ken is a wonderful writer with a great sense of humor. Check it out and be sure to watch the Gnome video.
I need to turn some lights on.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I mean, seriously???

Sometimes you have to ask yourself - why? I try every day to wake up with the best attitude possible. To have good, productive thoughts and hope things go as planned...and then you have not one, not two, but a gagillion things go wrong and it becomes "ONE OF THOSE DAYS!"

Small sample:

  • Issue with client's credit card this morning. Chance vacation package rate could change if I don't get in touch with him soon. This is a nice size booking. I can't afford to lose it.

  • I had to pull shit from my (elderly) dog's ass this morning. Picture it if you will. Small 10 pound terrier. Very, very cute and innocent looking. A, shall I say, slightly larger than a 10lb Italian with rubber gloves on wishing she had a clothes pin on nose, washing dog's ass and literally de-plugging him. Not fun getting old, I know. I am glad I have the patience to deal with this. I felt bad for him, and, well, dear I say for myself too. Yah! :-/

  • Anticipating a seminar with Ghost Hunter's Jay & Grant tonight at Salve Regina University in Newport, RI only to find out it isn't open to the public. Students only. I can't even tell you how excited I was about seeing them. This hurt more than de-plugging a small, 14 year old silky terrier's ass. Seriously.

  • I have 3 healthy cats and within the last 5 minutes all have shit in the litter box. Desperately looking for that friggin clothes pin.

I seriously think it is time for something waaaaaaaaaaay good to happen.

What do you think? :(

And breath.

5 Questions for Blog Readers

So there is this other blog I read, LIFE OF JUSTIN (

You can read more about what he stands for here: Very inspiring.

Anyway, he sent out this email today with 5 questions to ask blog readers. I figured I would not only answer it but ask anyone out there who may feel like introducing themselves here to do the same.
As any blogger knows, it is the feedback that really matters. Unfortunately I still don't get many comments, so hopefully this will help! :) I would love to learn more about you!!

1. What Is Your Name and Age? My name is Desiree and I am 32 years old.

2. Where Do You Live?
Providence, Rhode Island

3. What Is Your Blog About? My personal life, feelings, travels, humor, lesbo

4. Why Did You Start Blogging? To express myself with my friends, family and hopefully lots of new people. I really hope to make some new friends and learn about other people and their lives. I also like to share my photos. I find many blogs inspiring. You learn so much about people through words.

5. What’s Your Goal In Life? To be completely healthy, happy and fulfilled. I want to travel the world with someone who shares and truly understands my passion. I am big on road trips and would like to spend a year exploring North America, visiting every state. I have been to 43 states so far. I would also like to spend an extensive amount of time exploring the Caribbean and Europe. I need to learn how to be braver and push myself to take the risks I need to take. I want to spread as much kindness to people as possible. There is so much cruelty in this world. We need more compassion. When I go to bed at night I want to feel a sense of peace and contentment inside knowing I lived my day to the fullest and that I gave, and hopefully received, as much kindness as humanly possible. I would also like to keep achieving new entrepreneurial goals such as selling my photographs, being a tour group leader, expanding my business, Out & About Travel, to bigger and better things. I want complete financial freedom on my own terms. From the bottom of my heart this is who I am and to be anyone else would hurt my spirit.

Your turn! :)


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Now this is nice...

I have a new blog favorite, TINA-CIOUS (

Now this is what I call ROMANTIC. Everyone should do something like this for their partner. And it means the most when you don't expect it.

Nice to see a respectful, loving couple. You guys are awesome.


Monday, October 20, 2008

And if only you could see into me

On Friday, for no reason at all, my wife sent me an evite that said:

My Angel,I thought that I'd invite you to the kitchen for a lovely home-cooked dinner and some champagne. We are long overdue for a one on one "date" and I'd like to show my appreciation by romancing you a bit.

Your menu:Fresh garden salad with your choice of dressing and freshly baked bread (to start)

And your choice of a main course (please select from the choices given in the drop-down below)


I thought that I'd leave dessert up to you. ;)

Le sigh.
Posted at 8:00 AM This was about: ,

Mel & Onyx - Winning Duo!

Melanie and Onyx at horse show this past Sunday. They won 5 ribbons!!! It was a competition and costume contest. Onyx was a parrothead! LOL! More pics of that to follow. Aren't they cute?

Salem, MA Photo's (BOO!)

Here are some photo's taken from SPOOKTACULAR Salem, MA! Melanie and I were lucky to visit this past Saturday. It was a beautiful, crisp, fall day. We walked everywhere! We experienced a lot of the attractions last Halloween, so this year we just soaked in the atmosphere.

The used the black & white setting and "blur" tool to play around with the first batch of photos. I feel this makes the photos more atmospheric.

Enjoy! :-)
