I am sensitive. I use to think this was a bad thing until I saw a segment on sensitivity and how it is actually a good thing to be on high alert when it comes to how we treat and are treated by other people.
Sensitive is good. Hyper sensitivity is not. Luckily I am not hyper sensitive.
I've always been blessed with the ability to read people. From a very young age. For example, I know when someone is truly joking around and I know when someone is just being plain rude.
I don't like making fun of people. Now don't get me wrong. Maybe I am being hypercritical or just honest, I am no saint, I say things, very politically incorrect things, at times with my family and friends. The thing is, I do it FOR the shock value. I KNOW it is wrong...so very wrong....so I "jokingly" may say something to mock myself. The whole "DES, HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?" makes me laugh even harder.
With that said....I am also VERY alert to making fun of people. I hate that. No wait, I LOATH that. I despise it. It makes my blood boil and brings out my highest level of defensiveness.
I don't find humor funny that mocks other people.
You won't catch me laughing at "retard jokes" - "fat jokes" - "stupid jokes" - "poor jokes" - "ugly jokes" - pretty much anything that may make someone sound like a snob.
The person who is making fun of a mentally handicapped person, larger sized person, un-educated person, financially troubled person, unattractive person (beauty is in the eyes of the beholder) etc., is the one that looks "stupid" and "ugly" in my book. You can go from an A+ rating to an F in an matter of seconds.....that is how sensitive I am.
Maybe it is because of the way I was brought up. My grandmother on my mom's side was always for "the underdog" as is my mother. My aunt, and come to think of it, most of my family has always been.
We are a VERY accepting family.
We don't care about looks, status, sexuality, education status etc., --- we care about....
How we treat others and how we are treated in return.
Are we enjoying life and providing joy to others around us?
Are we being polite and courteous or rude and disrespectful?
I was brought up saying, "please & thank you" and to respect people.....especially those less fortunate than me.
THAT is what truly matters in life.
Not how well a person spells.
Not how much money a person makes.
Not how a person dresses.
Not how "cool" a person is.
Not how much "class" a person has.
Now how much a person weighs.
How people TREAT me, and quite honestly, others, is what matters to me.
How do I feel in this person's presence?
I have been made fun of SO much in my life, but I have also been commended and praised and pat on the back, however, it is the making fun I remember.
I remember people calling my mom "fat" when I was in grade school.
I remember people making fun of me in grade school because I had a gap in my front teeth and had random breakouts.
I remember being corrected for my speech by my 7th grade teacher because my "th's" would sound like "d's" because of my gap.
People tease me because I don't drink alcohol, as if that is a bad thing? As if not wanting to puke is "stupid" and too "goody goody" of me? If that is the case, so let it be. Have fun puking.
People remember what you say....
Contrary to popular belief, WORDS DO HURT YOU, not just sticks and stones.
When you make fun of a person....whether you call them stupid, ugly, trashy, retarded, fat, loser, etc., -- you SCAR not only them, but yourself.
You chip away at your own class.
Again, I am not perfect, so maybe what I am writing is a bit hypercritical. The difference is I KNOW what I am saying is MEAN, POLICITICALLY INCORRECT etc., and is always said in private with people who understand I am going for shock value.
I don't know.
I'm sensitive!! :-/
I am sensitive because I am not perfect.
I went to college for 3 years and was an English major and my spelling/grammar suck. Should I be made fun of?
I started my company in 1999 at the age of 23 and am still struggling financially. Should I be called poor? Trashy?
I sometimes pronounce words wrong. Am I stupid?
I am a size 12. Should I be called fat or judged for my weight?
So yeah.
If you make fun of people in front of me, be careful, because chances are it takes away a little of my respect for you. My defense goes up and I am instantly on the side of the "underdog" ---- it's just who I am. I can't help it.
It is a pet peeve and turn off.
Ask yourself, would you want to be made fun of for something similar?
Nobody like to be on the receiving end of a punch in the gut.....make sure you aren't the one doing the punching.
Maybe if I wasn't so sensitive this stuff wouldn't bother me....
But I am...and it does.
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