I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.
Last night I had a dream about, well, kindness and how the smallest acts stick with people.
My mother had written on FB about a woman that helped her and Elizabeth get their car out of the driveway during a snowstorm so the thought was fresh in my mind as I went to bed.
I didn't watch the below video until this morning and AFTER my dream. Wow.
Kindness. The word alone makes my chest tighten up and eyes water.
Last night I met my friend (and ex), April, for dinner. April knows things have been a bit tough finacially for me so when I excused myself and went to the bathroom, she took it upon herself to cover the bill. I was blown away by this unexpected kindness. It was done in the most casual of ways and even though I put up a fight and tried to give her my fair share and even a Kohl's credit certificate (lol) -- she just smiled at me with that look of genuine "I care fo you love" and changed the subject.
Speaking of ex's, I was recently reminded of a time my last ex gave a homeless man a gold ring (I believe it was gold or had a diamond --- regardless it was an expensive ring). I can still see the look of happiness on her face as she explained to me what she did. This same ex also bought a Wendy's meal for a homeless man once in Boston. As a matter of fact she rarely passed homeless people without getting them food, giving them something they could exchange for money or just money itself. She didn't just hand a $1 to them, she would give $5's and $10's and I believe even a $20 once. She did it without even thinking. We use to talk and say even if they ARE gong to use it for drugs/alcohol, it must take so much away from your pride to have to stand on a corner and beg for money. We always tried to convince ourselves that they needed the money for food or their kids --- but deep down we knew the truth, we just couldn't help it. I have a soft spot for this too, I admit. I wish I had more money so that I could help more people. I sincerely mean that. If I was "rich" -- I would so share the wealth. Absolutely - share - the - wealth.
My mom and her partner, Elizabeth, are two of the kindness, loving people I have ever met. My mom use to tell me how my grandmother was always for "the underdog" --- I guess it runs in the family. Kindness can be a helping hand, an ear to listen, words of advice, jokes to make you laugh, a random hug, an "I love you" or some sort of help. Both my mom & Elizabeth have shown me immeasurable amounts of kindness and love.
My aunt Rose WAS kindness. She was (and will always be) my greatest role model. She had a smile that could make stomach aches better, broken hearts mend, tears dry up and anxiety go away. She had this way of making you feel like she REALLY was listening to you --- which she was, so I am sure that came easily. She had this way of making you feel like she REALLY did love you --- which, I know she did. She would do anything for anyone at any time. I take great pride when people, especially my mother, tell me how much I remind them of aunty.
I have always said, from when I was in high school, that their are "red cape" and "black cape" people in the world. So many people want to knock you down and try to hurt you. It is so much easier to be KIND in my book. We ALL make mistakes. We ALL says things we wish we didn't. We are, after all, human. But if the majority of who we are is good to the core --- then what more could we ask for? The "red cape" people are like those in the video listed above. The people who go out of their way to help others simply because they want to....and it just comes natural. The "black cape" people go out of their way to hurt you because...well...it just comes natural.
Smile at people. Compliment people. Encourage people. Help people who are struggling. Forgive people. Apologize if you have hurt someone. It will come back to you ten fold.
My partner, Jennifer, is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She is the type person that leaves sweet notes for me in the morning, writes beautiful blogs and poems about me, helps without being asked, is there for her family and friends and is just --- GOOD --- to the core. After my first date with Jennifer on September 16, 2011, I sorta freaked out. I was nervous that it was "too soon" after my breakup. I felt guilty and afraid because I had developed feelings for her. The letter she sent me the next day, saying "she wasn't going anywhere" and how "she understood" etc., ------ hit me bullseye in the heart and allowed me to open myself up to this amazing, loving, beautiful woman. Her kindness overflowed and it was that letter, that response, that started this beautiful relationship.
It doesn't take much to make someone feel important, loved...valued.
Everyone appreciates a "how are you doing?" or a "how are you feeling?"
Even better? How about "how can I help you?"
Be genuine because people can pick up on fake concern from a mile away and a fake "how can I help you?" hurts more than not asking.
I thank God every night for the blessings in my life. I do. Even when I am sick or struggling financially, I feel grateful -- from my core. I can't help the crosses I have been given in life, just like all of you can't. Some crosses we are meant to bare, others we can get rid of.
One thing I know is that the kindness in my life will always keep me going, but what will keep me going even more is.............returning the kindness.
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