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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Unbroken Spirit


You were a shot to my ego - and then you shot my ego.

You were a smile that once inspired me - and then a smile that left me uninspired.

You were an embrace that offered warmth - and then an embrace that was ice cold.

You were a laugh that laughed with me - and then a laugh that laughed at me.

You once provided tears of happiness - and then provided tears that destroyed my happiness

You use to make me feel strong - and then it took all my strength to survive you.

You use to be light in my life - and then you turned to darkness.

You thought you controlled me - but you proved how in control of myself I truly am.

You once were what I considered love - but you have lead me to what I KNOW to be real love.

You once seemed so strong - but your strength is weakness in hiding.

You once thought you could break my spirit.....

.... but my spirit remains unbroken.


Jennifer Walsh said...

You are so strong and amazing. You picked the perfect picture to show that spirit from some time ago is still here and is not broken. You are surrounded by so much love from me, family and friends, but you also have so much love in you for all of us. You have an extraordinary heart that shines though with your spirit. Live for happiness; live for love. Keep that spirit thriving with love and happiness always.

Travelingdes said...

With you in my life, living for love and happiness will be very, very easy. My spirit is not only unbroken, it is soaring. XOXOXOXO <3